
Online CD Specials 

All DynaBrass Online CD Specials pricing includes shipping in USA only
​For shipments outside of the USA, please email jzalewskitpm@msn.com to get pricing and place your order.

Award-Winning DynaBrass 3-Pack 

20/20 Polkas - Multiple IPA Award Winner

Dance All Night - Multiple IPA & USPA Award Winner 

And The Road Begins... - USPA Award Nominee

$39 per 3-Pack includes shipping in USA only

3-Pack of Toledo Polkamotion CD's 

All Night Long - Over 60 minutes of music

The Beat Goes On - Last TPM Studio Recording 

Timeless - Includes hit song "You and Me"

$25 per 3-Pack includes shipping in USA only

Get Them All!

6-Pack Combo of

DynaBrass & Toledo Polkamotion CD's 

20/20 Polkas - Brand New CD released April 2020
Dance All Night - 
Multiple IPA & USPA Award Winner 
And The Road Begins... 
- USPA Award Nominee

All Night Long - Over 60 minutes of music

The Beat Goes On - Last TPM Studio Recording 

Timeless - Includes hit song "You and Me"

$55 per 6-Pack includes shipping in USA only